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Thursday, October 21, 2010

customvalidator for date and tracing

put trace="true" in aspx top declaration
usually some other thing is altering the state during page load of the control to be validated. sometimes the field is being used as a filter and that effects other controls thru its sqldatasource.

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.ico (1) acunetix (1) adding controls dynamically (1) adding list item programatically (1) adding parameters (1) aligning (2) aligning buttons (1) and Bind() can only be used in the context (1) anonymous access (1) appending static dropdownlist items (1) asciibetical sort (1) (101) assembly (1) asterisk (1) auto increment (1) autopostback (1) autosize (1) aztech (5) behavior (1) boundfield (1) browser tab icon (1) busybox (1) bypass proxy (1) calculate totals in reportviewer (2) cangrow (1) cascading style sheets (1) case (1) CDbl (1) changemode (1) checkbox (1) columns (1) comments (1) comparing all values (1) comparing integer values (2) comparison (2) conditional IIF (1) confirmation box on delete (1) connection string (1) control (1) controlID (1) controlparameter (1) convert (1) convert format of currency or float or 0.0000 to 0.00 (1) convert image to pixels (1) converting dates (2) css (1) ctype (1) culture (1) currency (1) current date (1) current ports (1) data typeconversion (1) database (2) databind (1) databound (5) dataformatstring (1) date column (1) date format (3) date sort in gridview (1) db_datareader (1) db_datawriter (1) dd MMM yyyy (1) defaultmode (1) delete button (1) deleting (1) deleting rows (1) deploying website to IIS (3) deployment error (1) deployment to IIS (4) detecting formview move (3) difference between filterexpression and selectexpression (2) difference between publish and build in visual studio (1) directory security (1) display error on no data in reportviewer (2) distinct (1) DLL (1) DMZ (1) double value (1) double quotes in javascript (1) download reportviewer (5) download visual web developer (3) drill down (1) drilldown (1) drilldown dropdownlist (1) dropdownlist (4) dropdownlist showing double values on postback (2) DSL 605EU (5) dynamic DNS (1) dyndns (1) e.values (1) edit mode (1) embedded images (1) emptydatatemplate (1) enableclientscript (1) enableviewstate (1) error during selection in filter of non matching values (1) Eval() (1) event manager (1) excel to sql server (2) executiontime (1) expression (2) F5 key refresh (1) failed to load viewstate (1) favicon (1) favicon.ico (1) feedback (1) feedback module (1) field expression (1) file permissions (1) filter (3) filterexpression (2) filterparameters (1) findcontrol (1) firefox (1) firefox password problem (1) firewall (1) float (1) focus (1) font (1) footerrow (1) format currency (1) formatting date in reportviewer (1) formview (11) formviewmode (2) freeze screen (1) global ip (2) globals (1) gotreportviewer (1) grand total (1) gridview (18) gridview labels (3) handling dates (6) handling nulls (5) html (1) htmlencode (1) httphandler (1) icon in address bar (1) icon in browser (1) IIS (6) IIS 5 (2) IIS 7 (1) IIS admin tool (1) IIS error (1) iis installation (1) IIS manager (3) IIS personalization (1) IIS pool (3) IIS setup (1) IIS Unexpected error 0x8ffe2740 (1) image control (1) image sizing in reportviewer (1) importing html into excel (1) index was out of range (1) insert (4) insert image in reportviewer (1) inserting (1) insertparameters (1) integer (1) integer column (2) intellisense (1) iteminserted (1) iteminserting (2) itemupdating (2) javascript (6) javascript and smartnavigation (1) javascript intellisense (1) label (1) left align pagerstyle (1) listitem (1) live ip (2) load (1) maintain cursor on field after postback (1) maintainscrollbackposition (2) managing deletion (1) microsoft (2) modechanged (1) modechanging (1) money column (1) money field (1) monitor IIS errors (1) monitoring ports (1) ms excel (1) ms word (1) multiple values shown (1) natural sort (1) network service (3) newline character in reportviewer textbox (1) newmode (1) nirsoft (1) no data (1) non focus (1) non null (1) norows property (1) obfuscate (1) obfuscator (1) objectdatasource (3) onclientclick (1) onfocus (3) onkeyup (1) page expiry (1) page margins (1) page_load (1) pageindex (1) panel (1) parameterized query (1) pdf (1) permissions 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(1) telnet (1) templatefields (2) ternary IIF operator (2) textbox (4) textchanged (1) timeout (1) top row (1) totals in gridview footer (2) TR-068 WAN Access (1) trimming values (1) truncate table (1) try catch block (1) updating (1) validation (1) validationsummary (1) vb (76) version (1) viewstate (1) viewstate error (1) virtual directory (1) visiblefalse (1) visual studio 2008 (4) visual web developer (5) visual web developer 2005 (3) vwd (2) watch activity (1) watermark (1) web tunnel proxy (1) web.config (4) webforms (1) webserver (1) Website Vulnerabilities (1) where clause (1) windows CD (1) windows server (3) windows vista (2) windows xp (1) wrap line (2) wrapping text in reportviewer textbox (1) xp (2) XPath() (1)